Date: Sunday, December 10th Time: 15:00 – 16:30 (GMT+4) Location: Side Events Room 8, Blue Zone, B6 Livestream: Event description: The Just Energy Transition…
Dams and hydropower schemes create major loss and damage, including producing significant amounts of methane, biodiversity loss, and community displacement. In a warming world, droughts and flooding make hydropower an unreliable energy choice and an increasing danger to downstream communities. An urgent shift away from false solutions that harm people and ecosystems is essential. For…
Français ci-dessous On September 20, energy experts from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with support from International Rivers released a new study entitled, “The feasibility of solar PV to replace the Koukoutamba hydropower plant in Guinea – a quantitative study” (French and English). This study explores the feasibility of renewable energy alternatives to building the proposed…
Calling All Women River Defenders in Africa and Asia… who are protecting our water, communities, and ecosystems from environmental and climate threats. Join a powerful and diverse cohort of leaders who are ready to accelerate their impact and deepen their work to protect our world’s rivers. The world is calling you to expand your leadership!…
For Immediate Release: November 9, 2021 For Spanish: For Portuguese: Glasgow, Scotland – As negotiators convened at COP26 in Glasgow attempt to break the deadlock on emissions cuts and financing mechanisms, a diverse set of voices are calling for the UNFCCC to exclude hydropower from consideration, citing dams’ grave human rights and climate…
At the end of a difficult year, I encourage us all to meditate and reflect on rivers, which endlessly flow, which cleanse and renew, and which nourish and sustain life for us all. From the Mekong region to the Amazon and Patagonia, authoritarian regimes and profit-hungry corporations have been using the pandemic as cover to…
By: Siziwe Mota, Africa Programs Director The global Covid-19 crisis has shed a light on the deep-seated inequities in the way our rivers and the people who depend on them are treated. With the exposure created by this crisis comes an opportunity. As International Rivers adapts to current circumstances, we are strengthening our support network…
International Rivers regularly publishes and distributes print materials with the purpose of informing and educating the public about issues related to rivers. All of our materials are available for free, and can be downloaded from our website and reprinted without restriction. More Reports & Publications can be found on The River Resource Hub. Women and…
The climate crisis is upon us. How we respond to it will shape the future of the planet and every species upon it. For too long our rivers and watersheds have been treated as habitats to be exploited. To achieve climate justice, we must change the practices that destroy our freshwater systems. It is essential,…
We work to protect rivers and rights, and promote real solutions for meeting water, energy and flood management needs around the globe. Based on five continents, our staff work closely with a global network of river communities, dam-affected people, environmentalists, human rights advocates and experts to fight destructive river projects and promote better alternatives.