Damming Rivers Is Terrible for Human Rights, Ecosystems, and Food Security

Damming Rivers Is Terrible for Human Rights, Ecosystems, and Food Security

By: Deborah Moore, International Rivers Board Member Darryl Knudsen, Executive Director Michael Simon, former Senior Director of Strategy This article was originally featured on Truthout There’s some good news amid the grim global pandemic: At long last, the world’s largest dam removal is finally happening. The landmark agreement, which was finalized in November 2020 between farmers, tribes and…

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PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief in Nangaritza Case Calling for a Bold Application of the Rights of Nature in Ecuador

PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief in Nangaritza Case Calling for a Bold Application of the Rights of Nature in Ecuador

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 2, 2021 Contacts: Constanza Prieto Figelist (cpfigelist@earthlaw.org, +1-202-621-3877) Grant Wilson (gwilson@earthlaw.org, +1-510-566-1063) QUITO, ECUADOR—This week, a coalition of forest experts, river protectors, and law professors submitted an amicus brief to Ecuador’s Constitutional Court calling for a robust application of the “Rights of Nature” to protect the Upper Nangaritza River Basin Protected Forest…

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Book Review | Rivers and Sustainable Development: Alternative approaches and their implications (Islam, 2020)

Book Review | Rivers and Sustainable Development: Alternative approaches and their implications (Islam, 2020)

By Darryl Knudsen, International Rivers Executive Director As the executive director of International Rivers, I highly recommend Rivers and Sustainable Development: Alternative Approaches and their Implications by Professor S. Nazrul Islam (2020). Whether you are just getting started on your journey to becoming a river activist or you are already an expert in water policy…

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2020 Year in Review: Building a new paradigm for our rivers

2020 Year in Review: Building a new paradigm for our rivers

At the end of a difficult year, I encourage us all to meditate and reflect on rivers, which endlessly flow, which cleanse and renew, and which nourish and sustain life for us all.  From the Mekong region to the Amazon and Patagonia, authoritarian regimes and profit-hungry corporations have been using the pandemic as cover to…

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River Poems By Poet Laureate Robert Hass

River Poems By Poet Laureate Robert Hass

Poet Laureate Robert Hass is joining us live on December 16 at 5pm pacific for our 2020 end of the year event “Rivers Unite Us” for a live reading. A RIVER from “The State of the Planet” The people who live in Tena, on the Napo River, Say that the black, viscous stuff that pools in…

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PRESS RELEASE | Report: Stronger river protections vital to a green, just recovery

PRESS RELEASE | Report: Stronger river protections vital to a green, just recovery

Finds spate of new hydropower projects to be anything but “sustainable,” calls for an immediate moratorium Charts energy solutions that deliver sustainable jobs, better boost economies, reduce emissions, protect biodiversity Comes on the heels of an announcement that the world’s largest dam removal will proceed More than 225 organizations from 60 countries have signed a…

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Rios Saudáveis para uma Recuperação Verde e Justa:  Um chamado global para proteger rios e direitos de comunidades

Rios Saudáveis para uma Recuperação Verde e Justa: Um chamado global para proteger rios e direitos de comunidades

No 20º aniversário do histórico Relatório da Comissão Mundial de Barragens , um novo relatório da International Rivers and Rivers without Boundaries traça um curso alternativo para o desenvolvimento da energia na pós-pandemia que se contrasta com tentativas de reativar a indústria de barragens hidrelétricas, atualmente em declinio.  Conforme detalhado no relatório “Rivers for Recovery: Protecting Rivers and Rights as Essential for…

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PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief Calling for Enforcement of the Rights of the Piatúa River and Indigenous Rights in Ecuador

PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief Calling for Enforcement of the Rights of the Piatúa River and Indigenous Rights in Ecuador

Contacts:  Constanza Prieto Figelist (cpfigelist@earthlaw.org, 202-621-3877) Monti Aguirre (monti@internationalrivers.org, 707-591-1220) QUITO, ECUADOR—On November 26, a coalition of civil society organizations and law professors submitted an amicus brief to Ecuador’s Constitutional Court calling for the protection of the Piatúa River based on the Rights of Nature and Indigenous rights. The Piatúa River is under threat from…

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PRESS RELEASE | “Rights of Nature:  Landmarks for the construction of a General Theory” Book Launch

PRESS RELEASE | “Rights of Nature: Landmarks for the construction of a General Theory” Book Launch

By: Anna Maria Cárcamo, Legal Advisor Latin America and the Brazilian National Articulation for the Rights of Nature – Mother Earth Português translation below | Tradução de português abaixo Rights of Nature is a global movement which proposes a profound change in legal frameworks and society as a whole, from an anthropocentric to an ecocentric…

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Joint Statement | Klamath River Dam Removal Back on Track

Joint Statement | Klamath River Dam Removal Back on Track

By: Darryl Knudsen, Executive Director & Bruce Shoemaker, Klamath project Liason The struggle of the diverse and broad coalition of tribes and others who value the fundamental importance of a healthy and free-flowing Klamath cleared a daunting and important hurdle today with the announcement by PacifiCorp, the States of California and Oregon, the tribes and…

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