International Rivers, Brazilian Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), Pará’s Society in Defense of Human Rights (SDDH) and several other national and international organizations condemns and internationally denounces the brutal murder environmental defenders family in the Xingu region, Brazil. 

Last Sunday, the bodies of José Gomes (also known as Zé do Lago), his wife Márcia Nunes and their daughter were found in the family property in São Félix do Xingu (Pará State). The family had lived in an Area of Environmental Protection (APA) for 20 years developing recognized projects of forest conservation, mainly working to protect local turtle species. 

In a public note, the organizations denounces Xingu as a specially dangerous region for environmental activists to live in. The city of São Félix of Xingu is known for its serious land conflicts linked to land grabbing, deforestation, invasion of indigenous lands and preserved areas, as well as a recent increase of illegal mining. This land conflicts had resulted in murders, slaughters and slave labour. 

The entities also have protocol two legal representation seeking urgent resolution in the judicial sphere. On Monday, the first representation was sent to the Secretariat of Public Safety in Pará, and the second one was sent to the Attorney General Office this Thursday. 

Concern of lack of resolution for land conflicts killings

What deeply concerns social movements and human rights entities are the limitation of public security organs to clarify the causes and attribute responsibility to the many murderers in Pará. According with CPT, in the last four decades, 62 land workers and local leaders where murdered in São Félix of Xingu. None of the cases were judged, and, with less than 5% of land-conflict killings in Pará going to court, the entities fear that this recent crime will join the long list of unpunished crimes. 

The organizations hope for a quick solution, with a criminal investigation leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. The hope is that key witnesses will be willing to cooperate with the authorities to help to solve these violent crimes. 

Read the full note (in Brazilian Portuguese):

Read the full note (in English):

Read the news published in The Guardian:

The follow international and national entities signed the public note: 

1. Prelazia do Alto Xingu-Tucumã

2. Comissão de Direitos Humanos da OAB/PA

3. Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre

4. Comitê Dorothy

5. Instituto José Claudio e Maria.

6. Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras de Altamira Campo e Cidade

7. Comissão Justiça e Paz da Arquidiocese de Santarém.

8. Coletivo de Mulheres Negras Maria Maria

9. Comitê em Defesa das Crianças Altamirenses

10. Conselho Ribeirinho

11. GDA- Grupo de Defesa da Amazônia

12. Associação de Mulheres de Altamira e Região

13. SINTEPP. Regional Transamazônica e Xingu

14. Centro de Formação do Negro e Negra da Transamazônica e Xingu

15. Núcleos guardiões do Médio Xingu.

16. Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental- FMCJS;

17. Instituto Madeira Vivo-IMV;

18. Coletivo Indígena Mura de Porto Velho-COINMU;

19. Comitê Binacional de Defesa da Vida Amazônica na bacia do rio Madeira-COMVIDA;

20. Associação das Comunidades Montanha e Mangabal

21. Projeto Saúde e Alegria – Caetano Scannavino

22. International Rivers

23. Coalizão para a Proteção Permanente de Rios do Brasil

24. Instituto Paulo Fonteles de Direitos Humanos

25. Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro do Pará – CEDENPA

26. Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos – MNDH

27. Movimento de Mulheres do Campo e da Cidade – MMCC

28. International Accountability Project

29. Instituto Maíra

30. Associação Indígena do Povo Arara da Cachoeira Seca – KOWIT

31. Associação de Mulheres do Areia II

32. Marcha Mundial por Justiça Climática

33. Marcha Mundial do Clima

34. Instituto Transformance: Cultura& Educação

35. Rede Brasileira de Arteducadores

36. Universidade Comunitária dos Rios

37. Projeto Rios de Encontro

38. Ecoa – Ecologia a Ação

39. Coletivo Tela Firme

40. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares de Santarém

41. GT Infra – Infraestrutura e Justiça Ambiental

42. Movimento Tapajós Vivo

43. ECOE Brasil

44. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e das Trabalhadoras em Educação Pública do Pará – SINTEPP – SUBSEDE ALTAMIRA

45. Coordenação Nacional de Lutas – CONLUTAS

46. Articulação pela Convivência com Amazonia – ARCA

47. Rede Nacional de Advogados e Advogadas Populares – RENAP

48. Rede Eclesial Pan Amazônica- REPAM Brasil

49. Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará – Instituto de Estudo do Xingu

50. Diocese de Xingu – Altamira

51. Comitê REPAM Xingu

52. Greenpeace

53. FAOR – Fórum da Amazônia Oriental 

54. Amazon Watch

55. Conselho Indigenista Missionário Regional Norte 2 (Pará e Amapá)

56. CSP Conlutas

57. Instituto Idade Mídia Comunicação para a Cidadania