Event and photo by: Centre for Research and Advocacy (CRA) Manipur, Jupiter Yambem Centre, Imphal and the JAC

From providing fresh water and supporting biodiversity to regulating the climate and sustaining cultural traditions, healthy, free-flowing rivers have always been critical for people and the planet. But rivers worldwide are at risk–increasingly fragmented, polluted, and undermined by climate change and irresponsible development projects. When rivers are at risk, so too is our collective future. 

Healthy rivers and access to clean water are fundamental human rights that connect us all. The International Day of Action for Rivers is a time to come together in solidarity with rivers and the communities that protect and defend them. By taking action on behalf of rivers, we affirm that we have the power to protect rivers and ensure that communities have access to clean, free-flowing water and the right to participate in decisions directly affecting rivers, and ultimately, their lives.

The theme of this year’s International Day of Action for Rivers is Our Rivers, our Future. Together we’ll shine a spotlight on the role of rivers to support our planet’s health and all life on Earth. We unite with communities worldwide who champion free-flowing rivers, protect water rights, and advocate for local voices in river management. Whether communities are working to remove dams, oppose water privatization, or have a say in riverine development, we rise together—because the future of every river shapes the future of our planet. 

Civilizations grow around rivers; they are central to our lives and the survival of life on Earth. But despite their importance, freshwater ecosystems are the most threatened in the world. Freshwater species have seen an 83% decline since 1970 – twice the rate experienced within terrestrial or marine environments. They need our help. Speak out, defend, protect, restore, and be a river guardian.

Find an event near you, or register with the links below, and we will add your event to the map.


  • Plan or attend an event in your area! Sign up here (forms in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Thai) if you would like us to share information about it.
  • Use the Day of Action logos posted at the bottom of this page, or create your own art for your action.
  • Sign up to receive email updates about the Day of Action emails and other updates from International Rivers.
  • Report back! Send photos and descriptions of your actions to dayofaction@internationalrivers.org

Past Actions

In 2024, we recorded over 110 events in 40 countries. Activists gathered and protested for the protection of free-flowing rivers, planted native plants along riverbanks, wrote letters to elected officials, took to social media, organized river cleanups, celebrated with music and prayer, held webinars, river walks, writing contests, and kayaking events. Rivers unite us, and people worldwide united to defend free-flowing, healthy rivers and the communities that depend on them.

Photo Collection (2024)

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The International Day of Action Against Dams and For Rivers, Water and Life was adopted by the participants of the first International Meeting of People Affected by Dams, in March of 1997 in Curitiba, Brazil. Representatives from 20 countries decided that the International Day of Action would take place on March 14 – Brazil’s Day of Action Against Large Dams. Our aim on this International Day of Action for Rivers is to raise our voices in unison against destructive water development projects, reclaim the health of our watersheds, and demand the equitable and sustainable management of our rivers.


To add to your outreach materials!